Friday, March 14, 2014

A soldier's tale

An Egyptian soldier, serving in Europe, sent a letter home to his family asking how they are doing, how they are coping, and hoping for their good health. While this could be from any year, this letter is from around 1,800 years ago from a soldier named Aurelius Polion and was found outside of a temple in the Egyptian town of Tebtunis.

While much of the letter has been destroyed by the elements, enough remains to provide a tangible clue about ancient Egyptian life.

This letter is addressed to his mother, sister, and brother. It says “I pray you are in good health….I do not cease writing to you.” The author’s mom is a seller of bread and the letters also talk about the family business. The letters take a sharper tone as the author talks about sending six past letters without a reply sparking some archaeologists to speculate on a family rift.

In addition to this letter, numerous other papyri were located nearby and translation is commencing on those specimens.

Generations have passed and these priceless specimens lay beneath people’s feet. What amazing treasures or items lay undiscovered near you?

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