Friday, January 31, 2014

An amazing find from the automotive history books!!!!

We at receive a lot of inquiries about our claim of:

“There is enough treasure within 10 miles of where you are now to make you fabulously wealthy.” (Paraphrased from our co-worker Johann Von Wera)

So many people misunderstand our assertion that there are many treasures close to anyone no matter where they live.

Could a treasure be near you?

What if an amazing treasure was forgotten in a barn or garage near you?

For over 100 years, an amazing find was sitting forgotten in a garage in Europe. The founder of the Porsche name, Ferdinand Porsche designed a car named the Egger-Lohner (nick named the P-1 by its creator) which looked more like a wagon than a car. It was powered by a 3 horsepower electric motor set in the rear which drove a 12 speed control unit. Weighing nearly 3,000 lbs., this car could travel nearly 50 miles on a charge and reach 21 mph.

This car first hit the roads in 1898 and it is believed that this specimen has been locked away for nearly all of the 112 years.

This model was ahead of its time as it won a 24 mile car race while holding three passengers. It finished 18 minutes ahead of the other racers. Ferdinand Porsche would work for other firms before starting his own company in 1948.

This vehicle is now in a museum in Stuttgart, Germany.

What could this item be worth? Many experts say this vehicle is worth at least $500,000 and possibly more.