Monday, December 30, 2013

An amazing amazing court battle

One of the greatest joys that I have working on my true stories of treasure tales are the amazing stories involved.

During the closing years of World War II, a holocaust survivor named Riven Flamenbaum found an amazing treasure…or was presented an amazing treasure in Germany. He claimed that a Russian Soldier presented him with a small golden tablet, about the size of a credit card.   

While members of the family remember hearing the story differently, Riven was either given this object by a soldier after losing his family during the war or he traded cigarettes for this item.

This 9.5 gram tablet was excavated by German archaeologists from the Ishtar Temple in present day Iraq. Experts state the tablet is from around 1230 B.C. during the reign of King Tukulti-Ninura I of Assyria. It was on display in Berlin in 1934 but was later put in storage and disappeared during the war.

Riven reportedly showed this tablet to Christie’s auction house in 1954 but that it was declared a fake. From that point on, Mr. Flamenbaum only stored this item keeping it hidden away in a safety deposit box. The current value of this tablet is reported to be $10 million.

The estate of Riven Flamenbaum is now fighting for the right to keep this item in New York State’s Court of Appeals.

NOTE: The Court of Appeals has come back with a decision. This tablet must be returned to Berlin’s Vorderasiatisches Museum as this item is considered an item looted during the war and rightfully belongs to the museum.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A treasure as big as show business?

Good Day,

Many people do not believe our claim of "enough treasures within 10 miles of where you reside now that could make you wealthy." Weekly someone tells us "I live in a big city, I can't go prospecting and dig up someone's parking lot looking for gold, jewels, or etc."

Another fabulous treasure has been unearthed in Los Angeles (USA) and a rather unconventional treasure indeed.

A sale was made concerning physician's notes and x-rays of the late actress Marilyn Monroe. For decades, historians have debated whether Marilyn has had cosmetic surgery. These items seem to show that she did have some cosmetic surgery. These items are dated the 7th of June, 1962 and show that she visited a doctor after a fall concerning her nose and a possible fracture.

Sadly, Marilyn would pass away two months later.

How much is this treasure be worth?

The auction closed with a final price of $25,600 which many consider is undervalued.